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Employee Involvement

As part of our constant effort to foster an inclusive, welcoming workplace, 俄亥俄州为教职员工提供了各种参与机会,包括:


On-campus and Community Programming

Calendar of University Events

The Calendar of University Events (CUE)是所有俄亥俄州赞助活动的中心地点,从培训课程到社区活动以及两者之间的一切. Managed by University Communications and Marketing, the calendar allows users to add events to personal calendars, send text and email notifications about events, and publicize events via social media and RSS feed. Anyone with an OHIO ID can add an OHIO event on the CUE.

For more information, email

WOUB Community Calendar

The WOUB Community Calendar 包括一系列广泛的事件,主要集中在雅典和俄亥俄州东南部的社区和非营利事件. 用户可以通过页面顶部的“添加事件”按钮提交自己的事件. WOUB approved and may lightly edit submissions to fit the format of the calendar, 但用户可以添加图片和艺术作品,并为他们的活动地点添加谷歌地图. The events on this calendar are also used by WOUB announcers for radio broadcasts.


University Senates

Administrative Senate

The Ohio University Administrative Senate is an elected body representing administrators at Ohio University. 参议院的宗旨是“促进和加强大学行政和专业。, specifically, the profession at Ohio University. 我们致力于为那些在履行大学教育使命方面负有行政责任的人提供集体和独立的声音."

For more information, or to learn about other involvement or committee opportunities, please email 请注意:委员会由参议员担任主席,但委员会成员资格向所有俄亥俄州管理人员开放.

Faculty Senate

The Ohio University Faculty Senate 是一个选举产生的代表机构,代表所有newbb电子平台的教职员工处理与大学规划有关的事务, governance, and resource allocation. As a key partner in University governance, the Senate provides representatives to all relevant University committees, boards, and task forces. Additionally, 学院参议院为newbb电子平台的教师提供了一个论坛,让他们参与讨论他们所关心的问题.



Employee Affinity Organizations

American Association of University Women

AAUW寻求赋予女孩和妇女权力,并提供各种网络和宣传工具,通过举办各种计划和会议来支持妇女的声音,以丰富我们成员的福祉, social network, and circles of influence. Locally, AAUW Athens provides programs focused on STEM education and advocacy, 比如针对中学女生的Tech Savvy,并为女生和女性提供各种奖学金. 雅典AAUW还与当地组织合作,加强可用于赋予雅典地区及其他地区妇女和女孩权力的方案. Nationally, AAUW provides grants and fellowships to continue to support women's education, equal pay, and ending violence against women, among many other issues.

For more information, please visit the national AAUW website or email the leadership of the Athens chapter at

Council of Employees and Staff of African Descent (COESAD)

COESAD is an informal volunteer group geared towards faculty, staff, and graduate students of African descent at Ohio University. While there is not a formal meeting schedule, COESAD全年在不同日子的午餐和晚餐时间举办各种主题活动, to accommodate schedules for all faculty and staff.  Programming covers a wide array of events and typically includes a Welcome Roundup in early fall and end of the year celebration in spring; supporting other campus events such as the BAR (Black Alumni Reunion), MLK Celebration, Women’s Appreciation Dinner hosted by the Women’s Center; and additional community service and engagement opportunities throughout the year.


We are excited to have you as a member of the Bobcat family. 请随时newbb电子平台的网络,并通过联系现任主席了解更多有关我们活动的信息, Tamika Williams, at

Latino Caucus

newbb电子平台的拉丁裔核心小组促进拉丁裔/非拉丁裔教职员工在newbb电子平台和高等教育中的公平参与, 为拉丁裔/非裔/非裔教师和工作人员提供支持网络,以帮助他们的专业进步和成功, 并支持和鼓励拉丁裔/非裔/非裔学生进入newbb电子平台和其他大学并取得成功. 欢迎并邀请所有支持这一使命的教职员工加入.

For more information, please contact Michael Rodriguez at

OU Women's Group

The Ohio University Women's Club 是一个由在newbb电子平台工作的女性和newbb电子平台员工的配偶/伴侣组成的社会组织. The Women's Club provides a unique support system to members of all ages, sharing passion for and support of the Ohio University and Athens communities. With interest groups offering monthly wine tastings, lunch uptown, dinner parties, book clubs and movie nights, there is something for everyone.

For more information, please visit the Women's Club website or Facebook page or email


Out OHIO是newbb电子平台员工的亲和组织,他们通过各种社交聚会的机会欢迎和吸引LGBTQ+教职员工, professional networking, and inclusive community involvement.

For more information, please email

University Interfaith Association

大学跨信仰协会(UIA)是一个由来自雅典宗教社区的神职人员和校园牧师组成的协会,致力于满足newbb电子平台学生的宗教和精神需求, faculty and staff. 亚信会成员就校园宗教活动和学生精神发展事宜向教务长提供建议和咨询. UIA会员有资格担任newbb电子平台注册学生组织的顾问.

For more information, please visit the UIA website or contact the current chair, Katie Beth Miksa, at



Mentoring, Development, and Continuing Education

Professional Development Pathways (PDP)

In support of our vision, and to support each employee's pursuit of excellence, continuous improvement, and professional growth, newbb电子平台开发了一个专业发展的综合框架,称为专业发展途径(PDP)。.

PDP provides tools, guidance, 为希望投资于人才发展和职业发展的员工和主管提供学习机会. Through this program, competencies (knowledge, skills, and behaviors) required for success are clearly defined, 专门设计的培训和证书课程为发展之旅增添了结构和乐趣, 鼓励有意义的发展讨论和在职学习经验.

For more information, please visit the Professional Development Pathways website.

Women Leading OHIO

Women Leading OHIO 早期职业生涯的教师和员工发展是否旨在解决和减少女性在高等教育中的信心和领导力差距. This program, which lasts for a full academic year, is cohort based and includes workshops, guest speakers, networking and social opportunities.

For more information, please email

Women's Mentoring Program

The Women's Mentoring Program 是一个为期两个学期的项目,学生在秋季学期与一名女性导师在他们感兴趣的个人和专业领域配对. 导师和学员决定他们的指导关系的形式和他们希望做出的时间承诺, but all are required to meet at least once a month, face-to-face, and to attend four cohort events each year, including the meet and greet, spring kick-off and mentor appreciation dinner.

Mentor applications 来自俄亥俄州的教职员工全年都被接受,并且可以在网站上获得 Women's Center website. For more information, please contact the Women's Center at


如果你想有一个参与的机会或参与组添加到这个页面, or if you have updated information for anything listed here, please contact Cat Russell, HR Liaison, at 740-593-0766 or